We're in for a stretch of low temperatures, Horry County.
Please don't skimp on your fire safety precautions for the sake of staying warm, as it's not uncommon for Horry County Fire Rescue crews to respond to more fires when temperatures drop, many of the causes preventable.
Prepare, prepare, prepare to stay warm safely.
A few things we often see, things you should most definitely NOT DO:
o DO NOT use your oven to heat your house.
o DO NOT overload your fireplace or woodstove, as the fire can get out of control, exit the controlled space and catch the house on fire.
o DO NOT leave your fireplace or woodstove running when you're not home.
o DO NOT forget to have working, tested smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors if you have any fuel-burning equipment in your house.
o DO NOT use a generator inside your house or garage if you lose power.
o DO NOT allow anything flammable within three feet of your heating devices.
o DO NOT plug space heaters into extension cords or multi-taps. They go directly into the wall, need to be supervised and are not for permanent use.
o DO NOT forget to bring your pets inside when temperatures dip below 45 degrees. It's the law! Follow Horry County Animal Care Center for more information on pet safety.
o DO NOT forget to check on your neighbors to make sure they have everything they need ahead of extreme weather.
o DO NOT use traditional, open flame candles, as they are a major fire risk. Use battery-powered lights.
o DO NOT smoke inside, no matter how cold it gets. Also smoke outside, if you must.
o DO NOT forget to get updates from trusted sources like Horry County Emergency Management and local media forecasts.
Remember, HCFR cares about your safety!