Current Planning & Zoning

Current Planning & Zoning is responsible for the day-to-day administration and enforcement of Horry County's Zoning Ordinance. Responsibilities also include assisting citizens with rezoning requests, zoning variance requests, zoning compliance for business licensing and answering all zoning related questions.

Zoning Districts

Zoning is the way the County controls the physical development of land and the kinds of uses to which each individual property may be put. Zoning regulates the activities that are acceptable for each particular property, the densities at which those activities can be performed, the height of buildings, the amount of space structures may occupy (Floor Area Ratio), the location of a building on the lot (Setbacks), the proportions of the types of space on a lot (pervious and impervious coverage) and parking requirements. The entire county has been zoned as of April 17, 2001. For a complete description of each zoning district, please consult the Horry County Zoning Ordinance, or call the Planning Department to speak with a planner.

Horry County Council passed an ordinance on February 1, 2005, establishing 24 new commercial and agriculture zoning districts for all future rezoning requests. The Horry County Planning Commission and the Planning Department created the new zoning districts to be more specific and focused on particular land-use activities.

On May 1, 2007, Horry County Council passed an ordinance re-titling all residential zoning classifications. This re-titling is based on the minimum square-footage of lots and does NOT affect property setbacks or allowable land uses. However the minimum square-footage of the lots may have lowered, while some have remained the same.

The PDD (Planned Development District) zoning district is intended to allow flexibility in development and encourage the use of innovative site planning techniques resulting in developments with improved design, character, and quality which preserve natural and scenic open spaces. A PDD is characterized by a plan that may incorporate housing of different types and densities and compatible commercial, institutional, and industrial developments. A PDD also allows for the establishment of dimensional and use requirements unique to the property to accommodate flexibility in the arrangement of uses within the project for the general purpose of promoting and protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. The provisions of the PDD District are found in the County’s Zoning Ordinance under Section 721. Information on rezoning to the PDD is available at the Planning Department.

The TND (Traditional Neighborhood Development) zoning district was adopted by the County in June 2007. The intent and purpose of the TND is to encourage the development and redevelopment of compact, attractive, and walkable mixed use neighborhoods consistent with the design principles of Traditional Neighborhood Design. This involves connecting a range of activities in a cohesive pedestrian friendly environment. TND fosters efficient use of land and infrastructure such as roads, water, sewer and other utilities. The TND encourages a variety of housing types and styles that provide accommodations for a range of ages, family sizes and income levels. The provisions and procedures of the TND are found in the County’s Zoning Ordinance under Section 750. Information on rezoning to the TND is available at the Planning Department.

Rezoning Request

All rezoning request shall be submitted in person to the Planning Department at 1301 Second Avenue, Conway, SC. Once the application is complete, the Planning Department submits the request to the Planning Commission for their review. The Planning Department will not forward an incomplete request to the Planning Commission. Also available are the Application submittal dates and the corresponding Planning Commission meetings.

A public hearing is held the first Thursday of each month by the Planning Commission to consider each rezoning request. The Planning Commission requires attendance by the applicant or their representative. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation as to whether the property should be rezoned. Their recommendation is then forwarded to the Horry County Council for action.

Zoning Compliance for Business Licensing

A zoning compliance is required prior to issuance of a business license. This verifies that the type of business proposed is conforming to the zoning of the property where the business is located

A home occupation zoning compliance would be issued where the business is run from the owner’s home and has to meet the requirements set by the zoning ordinance for a home occupation. A tax map number of the property is needed and if the home is not in the business owners name, a notarized letter from the home owner is required stating the business name, business owners name and address where the home is located, giving permission to the business owner to run the business from that location.

A commercial zoning compliance is issued to ensure a commercial building meets code enforcement and zoning requirements for the type of business to be conducted in the building. Zoning requirements would include parking and landscaping.


What is the current zoning on my property?

Property throughout Horry County is zoned differently and the zoning can only be determined using your tax map number. The zoning of your property is easily determined by calling the Planning and Zoning Department at 915-5340 and providing a tax map number. The process is quick and easy.

What is a Tax Map Number?

A tax map number, which is often referred to as a parcel ID, or MBP#, is a 10 digit number that identifies a particular piece of property (Parcel). This number accesses a great deal of information including zoning, location and how the property can be used. If you don’t know what your tax map number is, there are several ways to get it. Your tax bill for the property has your tax map number on it and may be referred to as an account number or MBP number. You may call the Assessors office (915-5040) as well to see if they can look it up for you, or you may call the Planning Department (915-5340) to see if we can find it either by your name or address.

What can I do with my property?

What can be done with your property depends on a number of things including zoning, location and size. The Planning Department, 915-5340, is here to assist with determining the uses available for your property.

How do I rezone my property?

If the zoning on your property does not suit your intended use, you may request a rezoning. A rezoning application, along with a $250 fee, will be collected at submittal. The staff will assist you in determining which zoning district is the best fit. Staff will process your rezoning application, post the affected property, advertise the action to be taken in the newspaper and mail out notices to adjacent property owners within 500-feet. The rezoning process can take 90 - 120 days and sometimes longer depending on the request. You are expected to attend the Planning Commission meeting, and any other meetings that we may advise.

Will a rezoning in my area affect my property?

If you see a yellow sign nearby on someone else’s property it probably means that someone near you has applied for a rezoning of their property. It does not mean your property is being rezoned. No one can rezone your property without your knowledge! Rezonings can affect many things depending on the type of request. For example, a person wanting to rezone 1 acre to a more dense residential zoning for the placement of 1 additional home may have less impact on the area than a request for a commercial type zoning for the placement of a gas station. Only you can decide if a rezoning will affect you. Persons interested in commenting on a proposed rezoning can do so at the Planning Commission, and/or submitting a letter via mail (1301 Second Ave., Suite 1D 09, Conway, SC 29526) or fax (915-6341) to the Planning Department. If you see a sign for a public hearing, call the Planning Department at 915-5340 to determine when the meeting will be held.