Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
Per the Horry County Code of Ordinances, Appendix B Zoning, Article XVII, the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)are the following:
- To review and recommend to the Horry County Council the designation of individual historic properties, buildings, resources, sites, landmarks and historic districts
- To review plans and applications for construction, rehabilitation and restoration on historic properties, resources or sites, to historic landmarks or buildings, or within historic areas or districts, and any demolition pertaining to or affecting duly designated historic properties, resources, sites, buildings or districts
- To coordinate with the comprehensive land use area plans
- To approve, deny or approve with conditions the demolition or alteration of building exteriors, or interiors, if designated as historic. The HPC also shall review proposed new construction in a historic district
- To review and comment on National Register of Historic Places nomination and exercise other duties specifically needed by a community
- To maintain an inventory of local historic properties (see Historic Property Register below)
- Promote education about historic preservation and procedures (See Projects below)
Commission Members
Member | Contact | Term Expires |
Ryan McRae
Heath Platt
Alan Todd
Patricia Mallett
Vice Chair
James B. Thompkins III (Jamie)
Lisa Kopro
Edward Carlisle Dawsey
Bill Strydesky
Ben Burroughs
Yasmine Crawford
STAFFPlanning and Zoning
(843) 915-8731
Horry County Historic Property Register
The following properties have been designated as landmarks under the County’s ordinance and added to the Horry County Historic Register.
Special Property Assessment for Rehabilitated Historic Properties
Rehabilitating your historic property? The Horry County Special Property Tax Incentive Program offers an assessed property value freeze for 15 years.
All three of the following documents are needed for the initial application of the Special Tax Assessment.
In addition, there are state and federal tax credits available for historic rehabilitation projects. Contact the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)for more information.
Legacy Business Recognition Program
Pays tribute to local businesses that have contributed to the economic heritage of Horry County for more than 50-continuous years. In 2016, the BAR won a Preservation Service Award from the Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation for the Horry County Legacy Business Recognition Program
The following businesses have been recognized by the BAR as a “Horry County Legacy Business”:
Dunes Realty

Garden City Pavilion

Garden City Furniture

Horry Electric

Village Surf Shoppe
Palmetto Chevrolet

Nye’s Pharmacy

Conway National Bank

Peaches Corner

Hucks & Washington Furniture

Norman’s Cleaners

Goldfinch Funeral Home
Ocean Fish Market

The Gay Dolphin

The Bowery

WF Cox
Wolpert’s Department Store

Loris Drug Store

Hardwick’s Funeral Home

Graham Brothers Farm Supply

Owens Steel

Patrick’s Mobile Home Park

Hussey Motors

Stevens Law Firm

Dew’s Appliances

Hoskins Restaurant

Lazelle’s Flower Shop

Galivants Ferry Store
Oliver’s Restaurant
Jamestown Grocery & Restaurant
Pine Lakes Country Club

Blanton Building Supplies

Ford’s Propane and Fuel

Ocean Drive Barbershop
Latimer’s Funeral Home


Johnson Furniture Manufacturing Company

Friendly Barber Shop

Palmetto Farms

Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union

Vereen's Stores

Waterway Furniture CO.

A. O. Hardee & Sons

Surfside Realty Co

WLSC Tiger Radio

Started in 2007, the Horry County Cemetery Project is Horry County’s attempt to inventory, map, and preserve every gravesite in every historic cemetery in the County, even those that may have been lost for decades. The project attempts to record all names, dates of birth and death, lineage, epitaphs, symbols, and condition from every gravesite in every historic cemetery in Horry County, as well as photograph each gravesite and digitally map the cemeteries using GIS tools. Unmarked graves are also found and permanently marked using ground penetrating radar. The project was undertaken to: (1) protect historic properties at the local level; (2) protect historic properties from encroachment and growth pressures; (3) create greater interest in historic preservation; and, (4) create the necessary framework for local level protection. We are always looking for volunteers to help with this project!
High school students create local history related videos, telling the story of a building or a site within Horry County. Judged and award prizes by the BAR.
High School Video Contest Application
State-wide program that honors families who have owned and farmed the same land for at least one hundred years. There are currently 18 farms in Horry County that have received this designation.
Historic Preservation Plan
The Horry County Historic Preservation Plan was unanimously adopted by Horry County Council on January 19, 2021 and made part of the Horry County Comprehensive Plan. This update to the 2013 Historic Preservation Plan is in accordance with the goal to review and update the Preservation Plan. In addition to the future preservation activities, the Plan also details the past of Horry County and its development into one of the most heavily visited tourist areas in the country. This updated Plan uses more GIS analysis to better understand the preservation needs of the County and its implementation, illustrates the commitment and vision of Horry County to preserving its very unique and diverse cultural heritage.
1987 - 2006
You can now watch all meetings of the Historic Preservation Commission
If you have questions, or would like more information on the HPC and its projects, please contact Desiree Jackson, Senior Planner with Horry County Planning & Zoning at PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmphY2tzb25kQGhvcnJ5Y291bnR5c2MuZ292Ij5qYWNrc29uZEBob3JyeWNvdW50eXNjLmdvdjwvYT4=