Long Range Planning

The Long Range division of the Planning Department is responsible for the drafting and implementation of the County's Comprehensive Plan.


The Long Range division of the Planning Department is responsible for the drafting and implementation of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The Long Range division is also responsible for the drafting of Area Plans, Corridor Plans, Parks and Open Space Plans, Bike and Pedestrian Plans, Historic Preservation Plan, and research related to all future planning endeavors. The division coordinates and acts as the staff representative for various committees and boards including the Historic Preservation Commission and the Open Space Board.

Neighborhood and Area Plans

Neighborhood and Area plans are designed to give members of the community the opportunity to discuss the direction that growth and development should take in their area. Area plans also allow citizens to make recommendations to County Council on how questions regarding development in their community should be approached. Area plans can be used to cover elements of the Horry County Comprehensive Plan, such as the land use element, in greater detail: they can also address issues that community members feel are important which are not discussed in the Comprehensive Plan.


Bennett Loop Neighborhood Plan

Bennett Loop Neighborhood Plan

Burgess Community Area Plan

The Burgess Community Area Plan is an effort to assist the Burgess Community in shaping the future of their neighborhoods, streets, waterbodies and heritage. The goal of this Area Plan is to accurately capture and express this vision for current and future leaders of Horry County to use as a decision making guide.
Burgress Area Plan

Highway 319 Area Committee Plan

The Highway 319 Area Plan Committee was a subcommittee of the County Planning Commission. Chair of the Committee was Commissioner Rob Wilfong. The Committee was formed on November 5th, 2009 and tasked with studying the Highway 319 Corridor to identify community concerns and recommend possible actions and strategies to alleviate those concerns while balancing the sensitive heritage and environment of the area. Information pertinent to the work of the Committee is contained herein. Please contact the Horry County Planning & Zoning Department at (843) 915-5340 if you have any questions or concerns.
Hwy 319 Rural Heritage Plan

Mount Vernon Area Plan

Purpose: On August 15, 2006, Horry County Council set forth a resolution to initiate a land use study for the Mount Vernon community. Council asked Planning staff to specifically make recommendations as to appropriate land use, zoning, and rural preservation strategies for the Mount Vernon community. Study area: Mount Vernon is located in the northeast part of Horry County south of the Town of Loris. Major highways that bisect this area include Red Bluff Road, Highway 366, Highway 348 and Bear Grass Road. This study area is in close proximity to the north of US Highway 905 and US Highway 22 (Veteran’s Highway), to the west of US Highway 9, and to the east of US Highway 66.
Mount Vernon Area Plan

Racepath Neighborhood Plan

Racepath Neighborhood Plan

Specialty Plans

Parks and Open Space Plan

The Horry County Parks & Open Space Plan is currently going through the approval process through Planning Commission and later through County Council. The Parks and Open Space Board has recommended that the plan be approved and incorporated into the Horry County Comprehensive Plan. The plan addresses current demand for recreation facilities and highlight areas of the County to focus conservation efforts. The plan also accounts for future population growth and development trends. Community input has been obtained through a county-wide survey, numerous focus groups, and public meetings.


Parks and Open Space Plan

Historic Preservation Plan

The Horry County Historic Preservation Plan was unanimously adopted by Horry County Council on January 19, 2021 and made part of the Horry County Comprehensive Plan. This update to the 2013 Historic Preservation Plan is in accordance with the goal to review and update the Preservation Plan. In addition to the future preservation activities, the Plan also details the past of Horry County and its development into one of the most heavily visited tourist areas in the country. This updated Plan uses more GIS analysis to better understand the preservation needs of the County and its implementation, illustrates the commitment and vision of Horry County to preserving its very unique and diverse cultural heritage.
Historic Preservation Plan

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

The Horry County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was adopted in March 2013 and makes recommendations to provide for better connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Amendment: Appendix 1 Burgess

Written in 2015, this Appendix widens the scope of the recommendations for the previously adopted Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan by including highlighting needs in the Burgess community.
Appendix 1: Burgess

Beach Management Plan

The Beachfront Management Act(S.C. Code Ann. § 48-39-250 et seq) requires that all beachfront counties and municipalities prepare beach management plans in the coordination with DHEC-OCRM. These plans must address historic erosion issues, ensure adequate public access, address beachfront development, drainage and habitat protection measures. This plan addresses the challenges related to managing a developed beachfront. It also ensures that Horry County is eligible for state beach renourishment funding.
Beach Management Plan

Horry County Green Infrastructure

Horry County Green Infrastructure


What does the Long Range Planning division do?

The Long Range Planning division is responsible for enhancing the livelihood and attractiveness of Horry County for all residents, businesses, visitors and wildlife by recommending future planning and development practices.

How can I, as a citizen of Horry County, participate in the Planning process?

The best way to participate is to educate yourself on the issues. We suggest each interested citizen visit several Board and Committee meetings as most of them are public and announced and advertised in the local media. Also interested citizens may want to check with the Planning and Zoning Department of the individual Boards and Committees on possible vacancies that can be filled. Of course, being involved in and up to date on Imagine 2040, the new Comprehensive Plan for Horry County, please add yourself to our contact list here. After you sign up, you will receive email updates which will contain information about how you can be more involved. Lastly, you can always call the Planning and Zoning Department at (843) 915-5340 to find out about the latest activities within our department.
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