Storm Water Permitting

Horry County requires that all land disturbance activities of 10,000 square feet or more, obtain a stormwater permit unless otherwise exempt. This page details the process and procedures to be used in the implementation of these regulations.

Statutory Authority

Horry County Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Ordinance went into effect Oct. 1, 2000.

Basic Criteria

    1. All land disturbance activities associated with land development and construction are required to obtain a stormwater permit if one-half (0.5) acre or more of area will be disturbed. Land disturbance is defined as any use of the land that results in a change in the physical characteristics or topography that may cause erosion that contributes to sediment and alters the quality or quantity of stormwater runoff.
    2. Exemptions – A number of activities are exempt and therefore do not need to obtain a stormwater permit. Single family residential construction, Agricultural land uses, timbering activity, and minor residential subdivisions as defined by the County Land Development Regulations. If a project received OCRM approval prior to the effective date of the County ordinance and the project is under construction, then an exemption may be issued.

The Permitting Process

  1. Applicant submits a plan package for all projects including a completed Notice Of Intent (NOI) form from SC DHEC. (The county uses this form as your MS4 application). Click here for SC DHEC's water quality mapping tool that generates an NOI with water quality information. [ Generally the applicant will also submit a plan package to DHEC.]
  2. The project information is reviewed to determine if it is exempt.
    1. If the project is exempt, the plan package is stamped by the plan reviewer and uploaded to the E-Plats page for download through the applicant’s E-Plats account. A copy will also be sent to the Horry County Code Enforcement Office.
    2. If the project is not exempt then the submittal is reviewed for compliance with Horry County Ordinances and the Horry County Stormwater Management Design Manual.
  3. If the plans are not approved the applicant is notified and informed of any revisions or problems that need to be addressed. A copy of the review comments is then uploaded to E-plats page for the applicant to review and resubmit the plan with corrections.
  4. If the plans are approved a letter of approval is issued and uploaded to the E-plats page for the applicant to download. The Applicant then submits the approved NOI and the Plan Approval Letter to DHEC as part of DHEC’s review process.
  5. Once all review comments have been adequately addressed and the plans are approved, DHEC has issued the applicant thier permit for coverage and the permit is received by the county through the applicant, a storm water MS4 permit will be signed by the Deputy Storm Water Manager and awarded to the applicant.

For a flow chart of the process click here

What else will I need?

The following local, state or federal agencies may have additional requirements related to Stormwater permitting, which may apply to your proposed development.

South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control – Office of Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)

(843) 626-7217

US Army Corps of Engineers

(843) 365-4239