Administration Hero

Human Resources

Employee salaries and benefits comprise the vast majority of the County's operating expenses. More importantly, the County is, in a very real sense, nothing more than its employees. Formerly called "Personnel," the County's Human Resources department's mission is to develop and administer programs designed to increase the county's effectiveness as an employer -- it's hiring processes, pay, benefits, human resource policies and others -- the whole spectrum of creating and managing the employer-employee relationship. The label of "human resources," now the norm in the profession, designates a broader involvement and strategic role in the organization than "personnel," which most people associated with just hiring.

The Hiring Process:

Everything from decisions about what qualifications are required to work here to the array of forms, interviews, tests, reference checks and other tools used to decide who gets hired and who does not. The County receives about 4,000 applications per year and hires about 100-175 people.


Job titles, descriptions, pay ranges, qualifications, job performance standards and expectations and so forth. HR helps decide which classifications are needed, develops the description of the classification and ensures that individual positions are assigned to the correct classification.


How much should the County pay people to be competitive with the market for those people and be internally equitable in relation to other jobs of comparable difficulty? HR uses a blend of market surveys and job analysis techniques to develop the County's salary schedules and systems.


HR develops and manages the County's fringe benefit programs -- health insurance, dental insurance, vacation, sick leave, holidays, disability insurance and many more.

Employee Relations

The County's Employee Relations Manager can assist/direct employees who feel that he/she has a grievance.

Legal Compliance:

HR staff are expected to be experts in a wide range of employment and labor laws: -- wage and hour laws, collective bargaining, equal opportunity, affirmative action, discrimination, sexual harassment, disabilities, medical claims, workers compensation, benefits and many, many more. They work with managers and employees to ensure the County's decisions and actions are within established legal boundaries and represent the County in administrative claims and appeals.

Performance Management:

HR develops policies and systems such as performance appraisal centered around the objective of skillfully evaluating and managing employee performance.